Advice from Former Students
The 10 things I wish I had known before doing a Level II Fieldwork with Child’s Play:
1) It’s OK to copy your supervisor’s phrases. They don’t mind! You’ll develop your own repertoire based on them anyways.
2) Remember you’re supposed to make therapy fun and have fun doing it to. Be playful!
3) Give your body what it needs to perform at its best: Drink caffeinated beverages before your early days, chew gum for the frustrating kids. Ice cream sandwiches are lifesavers at gas stops. Eat spicy or sour foods to increase your alertness and get enough sleep.
4) W-sitting hurts you too! If you have tight hamstrings it’s a great time to stretch them out.
5) To help yourself remember when to end each session look at your watch when you get out of the car and write it down (best) or verbally or mentally tell yourself what your stopping time will be. It’s so easy to forget!
6) Take advantage of all resources. You’re very lucky to have this opportunity!
7) You can never guard too much!
8) You can wear flip flops and longish shorts and still be appropriately dressed!
9) One of the biggest challenges is to sit on your hands, be patient and be sure that rapport is built with certain kids before pushing the therapeutic components; this may take many sessions.
10) When finishing the day seems impossible, nothing will cheer you and your supervisor up like chanting “Make it through the day! Make it through the day!”